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Additional Features that can Help

2009.11.15 12:36 조회 수 2343


     I just checked it out and found it having great potential. I am in the game of GTD since last about 2 Years and have checked out nearly every free tool available. This seems to match what I had in mind for a long time and which I had not been able to home on.

     I have a list of about 500 odd items and that is more than a challenge for any of these system. I have been collecting all and any item which I need to do in life , daily todo eg:- brush my teeth in the morning and in the night. Weekly to do , monthly to do, Quarterly to do, Halfyearly to do etc.

     It would be a great help if there was some method to import text file or CSV etc so that the tedium of typing everything is saved.


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